Bone Spicules Anatomy. Bone Formation and Remodelling. 1Originating within the pons in the facial nucleus the motor fibers of cranial nerve VII are joined by those of the nervus intermedius before entering the temporal bone through the internal auditory meatus.
1 head of malleus 2 body of incus 3 short process of incus 4 mastoid antrum 5 tympanic segment of facial nerve 6 geniculate ganglion 7 cochlea 8 vestibule 9 vestibular aqueduct 10 internal auditory canalb Axial plane at the level of the lower epitympanum. Coccydynia occurs in the lowest part of the spine the coccyx which is believed to be a vestigial tail or in other words the tail boneThe name coccyx is derived from the Greek word for cuckoo due to its beak like appearance. Julie Doll BSc MSc Reviewer.
Osteoblasts osteocytes and osteoclasts.
A Axial plane at the level of the mid epitympanum. Test 1 part 2 anatomy. Bone Formation and Remodelling. Either endochondral or intramembranous osteogenesis ossificationIntramembranous ossification.